Inspection of a pig and poultry slaughterhouse in Germany
few weeks ago we visited a pig and poultry slaughterhouse in Germany.
The raceway to the stunner was completely unique,
unlike others we have seen. It was circle shaped, similar to Dr. Temple
Grandin´s recommendations, and significantly reduced stress for pigs
when they were moved through it. The handling was much calmer
and gentler than we have seen in other plants. This circular design can
be of great importance for other slaughterhouses, where moving the
animals from a group to single-file often causes panic and sometimes
injuries. Read more.
Chickens and turkeys were shackled upside down while still conscious
and rendered unconscious
via passing an electric water bath, as they are in most smaller or
older poultry plants. Since this causes a lot of pain and stress, we are
going to look for alternatives systems together with the
The good news is that the managers of this plant are really serious
about doing things better. They already put a lot of effort into
reducing stress and suffering during the slaughter of pigs, now together
with them, we are going to make sure that the suffering of poultry will
be decreased too. To be continued!